WP 7 : Thinking ahead
Addressing Europe’s rail skill mismatch is no easy task, but STAFFER is looking to develop a strategy that allows future Europeans to access careers in rail and the sustainable mobility solutions they create. STAFFER partners in Work Package (WP) 7 are working to devise a long-term strategy and action plan that will make sure that European rail continues to be a world leader in transport technologies, provides quality jobs and allows citizens to safely and responsibly transport themselves and goods.
Under the STAFFER umbrella, WP 7 partners are collaborating closely with their colleagues in WPs 4 and 6 – concerned with trainings development and implementation, respectively – to extrapolate a means of allowing the next generations to continue to benefit from STAFFER for years after its 4-year mandate. These partners are reflecting on follow-up actions that will extend STAFFER’s impact beyond its budget.