InnoTrans 2022 – Skills for the Rail Sector: Adapting training curricula and attracting talent
InnoTrans is back! After a COVID-induced hiatus, the rail sector is convening in Berlin for a discussion of lessons learned during the pandemic, emerging dynamics in global transport and best practices as we confront some of the most pressing challenges of our times. With a workforce rapidly approaching retirement and a mounting need for new competencies as digital tools become more commonplace, skills and training programmes are becoming essential onboarding processes for our industry.
Join STAFFER at InnoTrans' Speakers' Corner (hall 7.2a) at 16:30 on 21 September for a review of our Blueprint for Skills' progress, examine the necessity for reforms in rail education with high ranking EU officials and sector leaders and explore what the future holds for tomorrow's sustainable, digital, equitable and interconnected mobility paradigm.
Speakers, subject to change, include:
- Kristian Schmidt (Director Land Transport, DG MOVE, European Commission)
- Angela Di Febbraro (Professor of Transportation Engineering, University of Genoa / STAFFER Coordinator)
- Sabine Schneider (Global Vice-President of Talent Management, Siemens Mobility)
- Barbara Grau (Senior Advisor European HR Affairs, SNCF)
- Josef Doppelbauer (Executive Director, European Union Agency for Railways)